B2B advertising in Adform

IP addresses deliver unique Account Based Marketing in Adform


IPlevel banner advertising reveals people in named B2B companies in your target audiences

IP-based B2B target audiences

You have the target audience and we have the associated IP data. Your target audience will be converted to an Audience located in your Adform account. 

Your customer wants precision in banner advertising. Your customer wants to know which companies are seeing their B2B ad.  Our unique B2B IP data sources deliver that precision.

You can already use several B2B target audiences available to you in Adform. And, of course, you can also use your own precisely defined B2B target audiences.


All exposure is based on the company’s IP address and the systems do not work with personally identifiable data.

Avoid mistaken and accidental exposure

With exposure based on the company’s unique IP address, you avoid mistaken and accidental exposure. You are not exposing your ad to a random engineering student, you are exposing it to the engineer in company XX. It is no longer just random chance and hope, cookie pools and behavioral profiles that drive your digital banner campaigns. It is accurate and targeted advertising for one or more companies that you have designated. The IP address delivers your targeted banner to the right recipient.

Efficient – and simple